6 easy habits to help you lose weight

Let’s face it, losing weight can be hard work. But like anything, there are ways to make things a little easier.

Deciding to lose weight doesn’t mean incorporating some crazy changes overnight!

Once you set up your daily routine for weight loss, you’ll wonder what you ever did without these small, easy habits.

So, let’s get started!

1. Drink more water

Water is great for the body and mind, but many of us disregard it (unless it’s in coffee!). Instead of reaching for sodas, energy drinks and tea/coffee, try adding more water into your morning routine.

Start your morning with a glass or two of water, enhancing your weight loss with very minimal effort. Yes, that’s right! Water can aid your weight loss goals.

Drinking a couple of glasses of water each morning takes just minutes out of your day, and can seriously improve your weight loss, skin and overall health.

One study showed that when participants drank 16.9 fluid ounces daily, this increase led to a 30% increase in metabolic rate. So, get that water, ladies!

Whether you take a reusable cup to work or simply fill up a glass at home, drinking water can also curb the urge to snack. Often we mistake hunger for feeling thirsty, so before you go raiding the cupboards, get glugging that water!

2. Get plenty of quality sleep

A lack of quality sleep can lead to more than just a grouchy mood. A lack of energy can lead to sluggishness and often, bad food choices. When we’re tired and feeling lazy, opting for healthy foods is the last thing on our minds!

It’s also incredibly tempting to reach for sugary, processed snacks when we can’t really be bothered to make something in line with our weight loss goals.

And I totally get it! But getting enough sleep is important for the mind and body. When you wake up feeling energised, you’re ready to tackle the day ahead.

In fact, studies have shown that when you sleep less, you’re more likely to consume more calories. Not getting enough sleep is a little like a dreaded hangover, we just want to stay put and snack!

To maximise your weight loss routine, try heading to bed early and avoid looking at your mobile phone. Try reading or audiobooks for some added downtime before sleep.

3. Start your morning with exercise

A great healthy habit to lose weight is to kickstart your morning with some exercise! After a restful night’s sleep, you’ll be ready to go with a quick bit of exercise.

With plenty of exercises to do at home without equipment, there’s no need to even leave your home – so, no excuses, ladies!

Also Read: Yerb Mate Tea For Weight Loss

If you really don’t have time in the morning, try allocating an hour to exercise in the evening. Not only will it help you keep moving after an undoubtedly long day at work, but it’ll also help you build up an appetite!

If you do decide to wake up refreshed and ready to exercise first thing, exercising in the morning has been shown to help keep your blood sugar levels steady for the rest of the day. Bonus!

4. Keep moving, ladies!

habits to lose weight

If your job involves sitting at a desk all day, it can be easy to find that the only movement you do is your route to and from your car each day! But it doesn’t have to be that way.

One of the best habits to lose weight is to ensure you keep moving throughout the day. Whether it’s nipping to the kitchen for a glass of water (not soda!), or taking the stairs rather than the elevator, keep that step count up!

You might think, ‘I do plenty of steps!’, but when a fitness tracker nudges you to get moving, you’ll realise just how much time you spend sitting after all.

Another great habit to add into your daily routine for weight loss is to drink out of a small glass or cup, so you have to move more to fill it up!

5. Set positive daily reminders

Whether it’s positive affirmations on your desk or daily notifications on your phone, having a daily reminder can really benefit your weight loss routine.

By surrounding yourself with positive people and messages, it’s far easier to maintain that drive towards your weight loss goals.

Also Read: 8 Healthy Cooking Techniques You Should Try at Home This Week

There are plenty of apps around that can help you set reminders, keeping your mind focused and body in line with those healthy habits!

Planning in advance can make a huge difference to your mindset, whether it’s your weekly meals or when you’re going to exercise. Set daily reminders to keep your mind focused on achieving those goals. Go get them!

6. Start your morning with Zotrim

Totally fuss-free, Zotrim is easy to take and 100% natural. Simply take two to three tablets with water a few minutes before each of your meals – that’s it!

Our powerful, proven formula works rapidly to reduce your appetite and control cravings, so you can get on with your day and get closer to your weight loss goals.

Zotrim’s plant-based ingredients are backed by science, giving you total control over your weight loss. When added to your daily routine, you’ll wonder what you ever did without them. Kick start your journey with us, today!

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Jane is our resident health, diet and wellness expert. She loves putting together articles packed full of the latest facts, science and advice from reputable sources within the health and wellness industry. If you have any questions please get in touch via our contact page.

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