Bad workout? Here’s how to fight back!

There’s nothing worse than dragging yourself to the gym, only to feel a little, well, crappy. Sometimes you walk in feeling pumped and ready to go, only to leave thinking your workout is more “meh!” than”hell yes!”.

If we’re totally honest with ourselves, we’ve all been there. We’ve all dragged our butts around the gym, like there’s someone else making us do it! Nope, just ourselves!

Nevertheless, it’s hard work. When you’re lacking that get up and go, what do you do?

Here’s how to fight back against those bad workout days and stay on track.

Start by looking at why

We all have off days, right? It could be hormones, it could be something in your diet, your sleep (or lack of) who knows. Sometimes we just wake up and can’t get going – let alone get motivated enough to work out.

While there are no one-size-fits-all solutions, it’s important to recognize that our bodies respond to even the smallest of changes. So, if you don’t quite wake up feeling pumped and ready to go, that’s okay!

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What’s more important here is giving it your best. If one day you feel like you’re running on empty, don’t go overboard with your workout. When you do wake up with a spring in your step, maximize that time!

But what else can you do to fight back against those bad workout days?

Set daily intentions

Somewhat similar to setting ‘goals’, daily intentions are less about expectations and more about recognizing your achievements. Start by writing down your intention for the day, and keep it with you. This can be on a piece of paper, or even on your phone – but keep it close by!

If your daily intention is to give your absolute best, you’ve totally got this. The great thing about intentions is the lack of expectations, which means you can’t go beating yourself up later when you haven’t ‘achieved’ something.

Speak to a close friend

There’s nothing more soothing than sitting down with a great friend and chatting through your concerns. Reach out to someone you trust who understands your worries and is more than happy to talk without any pressure.

The best type of friend in this case will leave you feeling positive, motivated and ready to get going again.

Find someone to workout with

It’s totally natural for us all to struggle to stay motivated sometimes. This means that it’s highly likely a friend of yours is also feeling the same!

Reach out to friends who also want to exercise regularly, and buddy up! This will help you to stay motivated, but also give you someone to talk to when you feel as though your workout isn’t delivering as you expected. No pressure here, ladies!

Practice gratitude

It’s easy to focus on the negative things in life. In fact, our brains can often veer off to seek negativity, when we should really be focusing on the more positive parts!

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Practicing gratitude is a great way to train your brain to seek out the positives instead. If you’re anything like me, start with a journal. Then, you can revisit your thoughts later on on a day when you need a little extra motivation.

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Jane is our resident health, diet and wellness expert. She loves putting together articles packed full of the latest facts, science and advice from reputable sources within the health and wellness industry. If you have any questions please get in touch via our contact page.

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