Target cellulite with these exercises

Argh cellulite… it’s just not what we want, is it ladies? In the hope it makes you feel a little less alone with this, did you know that around 90% of women will have cellulite? I know that’s not exactly a fun fact, but at least now you can understand just how common an issue it is. Cellulite can be caused by a number of factors from genetics, nutrition, diet, exercise, hydration and circulation.

More often than not, exercise alone won’t get rid of cellulite. However, what it can do is minimize how visible it is and the area it covers. If you’re wanting to know more then get ready to read on as we have put together some of the best exercises to help you beat cellulite.

Target cellulite and burn fat with these exercises

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If you’re really wanting to banish cellulite, you’re going to need to get rid of as much excess body fat as you possibly can. This is because cellulite is caused when there is a build-up of fat caused by an excess of fat-storing hormones in a certain area. So, if you’re living a healthy and balanced life and controlling the hormones and then also burning as much fat as possible through fat burning exercises, you’ll definitely be well on your way to diminishing that cellulite.

One of our absolute favorite ways to burn fat is with interval training. When you use controlled weight training exercises, even after you’ve finished working out, your metabolism will keep working and burn calories.

If this isn’t quite your bag, there are also some cardio options out there for you too. Walking for an hour can burn around 300 calories; and if you then work in some speed walking to play on the interval training, you’ll be burning even more calories. Cycling and running are also great ways to burn fat, but remember that it is the interval training that is essential here.

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Once you’re all warmed up and raring to go, try sprinting for a set time, recovering, and repeating. The more of these you do, the more calories you’ll burn, the more fat you’ll be getting rid of… pretty simple ladies, am I right?

Strength training

As well as decreasing your body fat, strengthening and improving the tone of the muscle that is underneath the cellulite will help to smooth out the surface of your skin. Strength training is a great way to do this as it involves moves that build up the hips, buttocks, hamstrings and quads.

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You’ll want to be training and targeting the areas affected by cellulite at least 2 or 3 times a week and then over time, increasing the weight to really challenge and tone up those muscles.

So here they are ladies, our favorite exercises you can do to tighten and tone up those muscles:

  • Squats – Now squats are hard work and that is not breaking news, but they are also incredibly effective and that is why they’re in this list. Remember to keep your back straight and push your weight back into your heels, like you’re going to sit down on a chair.
  • Side steps – these may seem like an easy little exercise but if you combine them with some resistance bands and put them around your lower shins, these will have you feeling the burn in no time.
  • Lunges – whether you do the stationary or the walking ones, all lunges target all of the lower-body muscles, what’s not to love? If you want to challenge yourself and your body, up the pressure on your muscles by holding a weight in each hand. If you’re new when it comes to lunges, build up slowly and work on getting your form right first, then work on how many reps you can do.
  • Leg raises – this is another seemingly easy exercise that has a high impact. Doing single-leg raises to target each muscle group before switching sides will be more effective as you can focus on one leg at a time.
  • Step-ups – stepping is an excellent way to tone those legs. These are a great little exercise, whether you’re on the stepper/elliptical machine at the gym or you’re just at home using a bench. A stable piece of furniture or even your staircase can come in handy for this too!

Living a healthy life

There is no denying that exercise is an incredibly important part of the journey to reducing cellulite… there is no avoiding it, ladies. However, it’s not just working out that’s going to fix it; you’ll also need to support your workout routines with a healthy diet. So, you’ll need to be eating a diet that includes a range of whole grains, low fat, protein, fruit, and vegetables.

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You’ll also want to make sure that you’re drinking lots of water and getting plenty of good quality sleep. Regularly massaging the areas that are impacted by cellulite may also boost circulation and lymphatic drainage. This will encourage your body to get rid of the toxins that build up in the fatty cells. You may find that it helps smooth out your skin too… it’s got to be worth a try, right ladies?

There you have it, if you want to banish the cellulite for good, then you’d better work those exercises into your workouts. We can already feel the motivation and that you’ll be on your way to reaching your weight loss goals and fighting back against that cellulite in no time.

Ready to wave cellulite goodbye?

So, there you have it, ladies, our top tips for using exercise to reduce cellulite! With the tips above, you’ll be well on your way to achieving your body goals.

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Jane is our resident health, diet and wellness expert. She loves putting together articles packed full of the latest facts, science and advice from reputable sources within the health and wellness industry. If you have any questions please get in touch via our contact page.

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